37 Anniversary of the introduction of Martial Status
The Symposium was prepared at the initiative of Jerzy Polak – Chairman of the Club "Gazeta Polska" in Stamford – and the Patriotic Forum in Stamford in cooperation with the Committee of Celebrations of the Anniversary of the Smolensk Disaster and the Katyn Genocide, the Foundation The Clubs of the "Polish Newspaper" in the United States, the Reduta of the Good Name – USA, the Families of Radio Maryja and the Clubs "Gazeta Polska" from the east coast of the United States (NY, NJ, Boston, Philadelphia and Florida).
Celebration of 100 anniversary of the restoration of Independence by Poland
On Sunday, December 2nd, the Central celebration of the 100 anniversary of the restoration of independence in the Philadelphia agglomerations took place. All-Day event was the result of a joint work of a broad coalition of local Polish organizations: The Association of the House of Poland, the Smolensk Disaster Celebration Committee and the Katyn Genocide, the Philadelphia GP Club, the Kościuszkowska Foundation Philadelphia Branch, Good Name Reduty – USA, SWAP – District 10 (Facility 12 – Philadelphia, PA and 81 – Trenton, NJ), Polish Language Schools. Saint. John Kanit and ZHP Philadelphia – Bridesburg – Philadelphia.