The 8th anniversary of the Smolensk Disaster & 78. Anniversary of the Katyn Genocide and the V Polish Forum
It is already the fifth consecutive conference and commemoration ceremony of the victims of Smolensk and Katyn, organized by the Committee of the Celebration of the Smolensk Disaster, which also includes the Clubs of the Polish Newspaper from Philadelphia, New York and the state of New Jersey, and Which also focuses other organizations, The Circle of Friends of Radio Mary from NJ, Portal, KPA – NJ branch and other local organizations. was invited To the conference. Magdalena Merta, John of the Heichak. Among the speakers are Prof. Jan Żaryn, Tomasz Sakiewicz, Tadeusz Płużański.
Saturday 14 April 2018 V Forum Polonia “Polonia Semper Fidelis-Budujmy Grand Patriotic Front” Conference Room, National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, Pennsylvania Conference Program: Hours 8.30 am-Registration of participants Hours 9:00am-Opening of the Forum – Tadeusz Antoniak, Dr. Stanisław Śliwowski Prayer – Father Krzysztof Drybka, OSPPE, the Przeor of the American Czestochowy and Fr. Bishop Stanisław Stefanek Ambassador of POLAND in Washington Prof. Piotr Wilczek, Polish Consul General in New York Maciej Golubiewski, MEP Jan Heritczak Independence of Poland in the modern context-Independence but what? Min. Antoni Matrewicz-Polish Independence in 2018 Prof. Jan Żaryn. Dr. Tomasz Seweryn-Post-modrnistic narratives and their impact on facts and ontological Truth Min. Marcin Warchoł-Goals of the reform of horticulture in Poland Red. Tadeusz Płużański-Deconcommunization and Independence Wiesław Gołębiewski Anniversary 100 years since Poland regained independence Dr. Teofil Lachowicz-Józef Sierociński, a volunteer from America to the Blue Army in France, restored the memory of Ksiadz Dr. Jarosław Wasowicz-Poznań’s Piatka. Family Ulms Ks. Bishop Stanisław Stefanek-Belief in building the unity of the Red Nation. Tomasz Sakiewicz-The Current political situation of Poland against the backdrop of international relations-the historical background Magdalena Merta-Contribution of the American Polonia in the restoration of independence. Poland-Israel, Polish-Jewish Relations-historical outline, current problems Prof. Marek Chodakiewicz Dr. Ewa Kurek-Poles and Jews, problems with the history of Mec. Maria Szonert-Binienda Fight for the good name of Poland-objectives and activities Jacek Szklarski-RDI-System “Knight”-action in the USA Filip Frackowiak-TV broadcast. Polonia-The Image of Polish compassion-100 summer of Restoration of Independence Wacław Kujbida Por. Karol Cierpica, Pawel Piekarczyk-Memorial Foundation of Michael Ollisa-Thank You For The Service-production of the film, construction of the memorial of the memory of SMEs. Michaela Ollisa Artistic Program Dariusz Kowalski exhibitions Presentations Grzegorz Tymiński Tadeusz Antoniak Premiere of Jarosław Mańki’s film “Fatima. The message is still up-to-date “with the participation of Director Sunday 15 April 2018 In The American Czestochów there will be celebrations involving representatives of the Katyn and Smolensk families, representatives of Polish diplomacy, scientists and American Politicians and representatives of local administration Program: Hours 10:30am-Collection before the Sanctuary and you will be in the cemetery Hours. 11:00am-The Appeal of Memory and the ceremony of the lodging of flowers at the cemetery under the Monument of Husarz and the plaque commemorating the disaster. Addresses of the representatives of the Katyn family and the Smolensk H. 12:30pm-Mass Holy Hour 2:00 pm-Lunch Hour. 3:00pm-Festive Concert devoted to the memory of victims of Smolensk Disaster Hours. 4:15pm-Discussion Panel with the participation of the Smolensk Families and members of the Subcommittee on Government Investigate the Disaster at Smolensk with the participation of the head of the Committee min. Anthony